Equipe do Ba.
Kayapo Forest School.
Piloted in 2019 with Kayapo communities of the Xingu, this biodiversity monitoring project engages Kayapo in culturally affirming conservation activities that provide opportunities for youth to learn the technology they crave (cameras, computers, drones, internet) alongside land-based learning, natural heritage and traditional knowledge transmission from elders to youth.
Impact & Objectives
2024 Highlights
54 Kayapo teammembers
Team-designed uniforms
13 communities collaborating
Short film in production
Overall Stats
Over 190 participants including:
116 Kayapo Youth (30% female)
12 Kayapo Elders
45 Kayapo Support Team
8 Non-Kayapo Support Team
4 Eco-Tourist Groups
Kayapo Land is Kayapo Culture.
Kayapo knowledge and well-being are inextricably tied to their lands, Monitoring and protecting their territory protects their culture and livelihood.
Next Generation Kayapo Straddle Two Worlds.
Equipping the next generation of Kayapo Forest Guardians with both traditional values and technological skills will fortify protection of Kayapo territory and culture.
The Kayapo Story is a Global Story.
Capturing the beauty, resilience, diversity and importance of the Amazon rainforest and the beings that live within it through science, art, and storytelling as well as inter-cultural guided tourism experiences.
Join the Kayapo Forest Guardians
LEARN more about the Equipe do Ba program in English or in Portuguese.
FOLLOW along the Kayapo Project activities and programs
SUPPORT the Kayapo Forest Guardians and help protect the Amazon rainforest
Visit Kayapo Indigenous Territory with our Field Course or at our eco-tourism and sport fishing lodges